Currently MyCrewGuide is only offering information for mainline Delta. Others will be able to register soon. If you are not Delta mainline but would like to register, fill out the form here.

All bolded fields are required for account activation. Your information will not be shared with anyone.

Registration Information
First Name
Last Name
Referred By 3PPR#
Confirm Email Confirm Password

  1. If you would like to participate in the MyCrewGuide Forums and the rate and review system, a nickname is required.

  2. This is for our MyCrewLife feature of the webpage. It allows others to see your position and domicile so they can better identify you when adding you as a friend in the MyCrewLife system. You will be in complete control of this information wih the ability to change or delete it. It is not required to register.

  3. Your PPR number is a 9 digit number. We only use this number to verify your employment. For the safety of our crew members, we ensure that only those employed with Delta can access the secure portions of our web page.

  4. Password must be at least 6 characters long. We are not asking for your passport/DBMS password here.

  5. We get a lot of registration attempts from web crawlers/robots. The reCaptcha ensures that you are in fact a human. Please check the box and complete any tasks this section of the page may ask you to do. Sometimes it can ask for additional tasks to make sure you are not a robot.

Please allow up to 24 hours for account activation.

If you use a spam blocker, please add to your allow list. Many e-mails go undelivered for this reason.

Your information will not be shared with anyone.
If you register for and use this site, you are agreeing to the MyCrewGuide Terms of Use.



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